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Student groups across universities are recruitment to develop innovative solutions targeting specific sustainability challenges for and with partners. Each challenge is addressed by students of different academic background and disciplines already ahead of Folkemødet as part of specific MSc courses in their spring semester. Solutions span from technical prototypes to new business models or service solutions.

Explore both this years’ and previous years solutions and sustainability challenges below. In case interested feel free to reach out to the students for more information, feedback or advice on how to move forward.




5 partners joined with each a sustainability challenge that were taken on by a total of 46 students, representing 10 student groups, from the Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen Business School, Aarhus University and Aalborg University. With support and collaboration from the partners and course responsible, the student teams have, within their Master courses and Bachelor projects used their diverse academic disciplines to address below 5 sustainability challenges that was transformed into below 10 solutions.

danske handicaporganisationer logo


Develop and test accessibility solutions ‘Leaving No One Behind’ for festivals like Folkemødet

leaving no one behind
folkemødet logo


Develop and test solutions to encourage festival stakeholders to manage waste

verdensmål challenges 12 og 17
dansk industri logo


Develop and test solutions facilitating involvement in Denmark’s Mission 70% C02 reduction

verdensmål challenges 13 og 17
tasso logo


Develop and test solutions on how Tasso A/S can deliver on partners C02 reduction strategies

verdensmål challenges 12 og 17
kræftens bekæmpelse logo


Develop and test Solutions on data, process and event driven prevention of cancer risks.

verdensmål challenges 3 og 17




Note that the following pages of the student groups solutions are user-generated and that neither DTU Skylab nor any of its partners can be held responsible for the content of these pages.

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Group-2 – new

THE PARTNER YOU ARE WORKING WITH Your project name Problem Target group Solution Value propositions Business model Impact Links for more info Team

Ch#4: Article: Carbon Footprint

CHALLENGE #4 – Tasso A/S Energy system integration Challenge & Background Tasso A/S is a foundry that produces continuous cast iron, which e.g. is used for the hydraulic systems in wind turbines. Manufacturing of cast iron involves some highly energy-consuming processes. Today, Tasso works systematically with SDG no. 12 “Responsible Consumption and Production” because this …

Ch#4: Article: Carbon FootprintRead More »

Ch#5: The Healthy Way

CHALLENGE #5 – DANISH CANCER SOCIETY Healthy Way Problem According to, every third Dane will have cancer before they reach the age of 75, yet 4 out of 10 of such cases could have been prevented. Many cancer cases are lung related and one of the big contributors – is smoking. However another, more …

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Tasse Carbon Offset

Ch#4: CBS Consulting

CHALLENGE #4 – Tasso A/S A sustainable cast-iron bar specialist Challenge and background Civil society in Denmark – and elsewhere – are increasingly aware and concerned by CO2 emissions’ consequences on global warming. This issue is not only a primary concern for individuals, it is also an agenda that Danish companies now must deal with. …

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Ch#3: Klimakoret

CHALLENGE #3 – DANISH INDUSTRY Klimakoret Problem   Human activity has in the past 120-140 years increased the Earth’s average surface temperature by 1°C. If we don’t intervene, the temperature is predicted to further increase by 2-4°C. The rise in temperature is mainly caused by the increased carbon emissions in the atmosphere.  To counteract these …

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Ch#3: Klimahjulet

CHALLENGE #3 – DANSK INDUSTRI Klimahjulet Challenge & Background As the largest employers’ association in Denmark, The Confederation of Danish Industry (DI), is at the heart of the challenge of meeting Denmark’s 2030 climate goals. DI have published a plan for how the Government should act to ensure the goals will be met, one that …

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Ch#2: Ensemble

CHALLENGE #2 – FOLKEMØDET Waste Management at Folkemødet 2020by Ensemble Problem During Folkemødet (FM), more than 32.8 tons of waste is generated , which is a lot to handle with infrastructure not built to fit the number of people at the festival. Up until 2019, waste was handled by external trash collectors directly at the …

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Ch#2: Leave Green

CHALLENGE #2 – FOLKEMØDET Optimizing ressourcehandling The Problem Foreningen Folkemødet wishes to implement a waste sorting system that encourages participants to sort their waste properly.   Due to the Covid-pandemic the project has been rescoped to address the festivals waste-problem in its whole. This means that the project besides designing a sorting station, also focuses …

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Ch#1: Proposal Bank

 CHALLENGE #1 – DH The Proposal Bank by EnableDesign Problem Festivals like Folkemødet are seeking solutions on how to increase accessibility to host a more inclusive event where all attendees have equal opportunities to participate. The aim of this project is to develop a concept that contributes to increased inclusiveness and accessibility at Folkemødet. The …

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The academic partnerships

  •  AAU Bachelor project wt. Supervisor Signe Pedersen, Assistant Professor, PhD, Department of Planning
  • AU MSc. Course on Electrical energy technology wt. Corneliu Barbu, Assistant Professor, Aarhus University School of Engineering
  • CBS MSc. Course Consulting for Sustainability wt. Kristjan Jespersen, Assistant Professor, PhD, CBS Sustainability
  • DTU Bachelor project wt. supervisor Tim C. McAloone, Professor, PhD, DTU Mechanical Engineering
  • DTU MSc. Course Holistic Design of Engineering Systems wt. Anja Maier, Professor and Associate Professor Josef Oehmen, DTU Management
  • DTU MSc. Course Process oriented driven and event driven software wt. Andrea Burattin, Associate Professor, DTU Compute